What every manager should know – a review of “Mobile for Managers”

What every manager should know – a review of "Mobile for Managers"

If you have arrived here, you are probably someone who has been designated in your organization to implement a mobile product – this is how Marcin Zaremba, author of "Mobile for Managers, or how to create good mobile products", begins one of the chapters of his book. The book is addressed to just such people – those who have to implement mobile in companies, but also start-ups or students looking for reliable technical and business knowledge. Zaremba, himself with extensive experience in the implementation of mobile products, has created a book based primarily on experience and his own knowledge.

The book explains not only the "how", but also the "what" and "why", giving a solid dose of knowledge on the implementation and use of mobile products in companies.

This is another of the publications on mobile that has recently appeared on the market. Addressed to managers – but not only – who are tasked with introducing mobile to their company. This is a fresh position treating a fresh topic, which is still mobile and its implementation in companies. Whe many still don't quite know what they are dealing with, whether mobile is really necessary, and if so – how to go about it? Reading this item will provide answers to these questions.

As the author points out, often the person in charge of mobile in a company is chosen on the basis of interest in technology or…due to the lack of other takers. But even if you have been almost "randomly" chosen to do this task, the book "Mobile for Managers" will help you understand mobile, as well as introduce mobile products to your company.

Although many guidebooks can certainly alienate at the outset by their very form, Zaremba's book reads very well. These are not trite platitudes, which can just as well be „googled” and at the same time it is still suitable as reading also for laymen – mobile laymen, because some background of managerial-business knowledge is, however, advisable. For someone who knows the inner workings of a company, but is unfamiliar with mobile, this book is a must-have item.

It has been divided into chapters, each of which explains a slightly different aspect of mobile deployment to a company, and the chapters can be read one at a time, "from cover to cover," or selectively – but further chapters address more complex issues than the initial ones. These are: