Product applications are an ideal area for development – Krzysztof Scira.

Product applications are an ideal area to develop – Krzysztof Ścira

Today „3 questions for the speaker” wander to Krzysztof Scira, owner of desi9n and the best speaker of the Mobile Trends conference in 2012 and 2013, according to the participant’s opinionów. 3 krótic questions and 3 comprehensive answers, with A somewhat critical view of the postómobile applications.

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Która of business branches, according to you, have far too poorly adapted mobile solutions in relation to market needs?

The industry manufacturesórczy or widely „production” – very few companies on the Polish market have product-type applications. Even large multinational corporations are deficient in this aspect. A perfect example here is IKEA, której mobile product directoryów is actually a box for a PDF file, whichóry instead of going to the printer goes to our mobile device occupying tens of megabytesów and offering usability on the level of support for Opera Mini.

A lot of companies thatóre produce typical products (those thatórs that can be touched) are still investing only in colorful folders, whichórych half of which have to be destroyed, because by the time they are distributed the offer is already outdated. There may be several explanations for this state of affairs:

  • Too small a market of osób interested in such an application – However, it is worth taking into account that the number of informed and active userów smartphoneów is growing all the time
  • No budgetów from the companies mentioned above PRODUCTÓW – However, no one wm meówi that IKEA operates on the margins of porówn comparable to Biedronka and does not have the funds to do so
  • The sheer ignorance of osób responsible for marketing – because if for the last 20 years folders in A5 format ANYWHERE worked, why to combine?

Who do you think should have a mobile app, and for which companies it is unnecessary?
„If you don’t know what’s at stake, it’s all about money” – if we approach the topic from the point of view of pure profitability then it is worth considering the profits of having such an application – However, they can not be directly converted into PLNówki, because próThe fact that the application can sell itself, it affects the positive image of the company / product it advertises, and such a value is very difficult to assess. It is worth taking into account, for example, the fact that a certain group of userów in a mobile application only views the product, and when they decide to purchase it they do so via computer or otherwiseób.
Applications for micro businesses dealing with services (e.g. accounting, legal advice), whichóre not helping the user solve his problemów to „throwing money down the drain”. I can already see a multitude of useróin downloading the app of your accounting office only to read for the hundredth time: price list, company history and know the phone number of your favorite accountant. Such applications do not róbmy!
Another thing is that if such an application would display push notifications about the date of payment of VAT to the tax office or the need to send the cash report for the month, its usefulness increases dramatically – but it requires an idea and an unconventional approach to the problem, and sometimes looking for a solution „by force”. For such micro-activities, a RWD website will successfully suffice – not worth investing in apps.
Product apps are as I mentioned earlier – ideal area for development, and by presenting the item in an interesting way (pictures, descriptions, animations) you can convince the user to buy anything – Whether it be carrot juice or a new car model. Of course, it is important to remember that there is a gap between luxury goods and everyday products, but this is a topic for a specialistów from marketing – I, as a developer only provide tools :). Ideally, applications thatóre on the one hand give the user access to some useful function, and by the way advertise our company / product. The problem, however, is matching such a useful feature to a product, because who would want a weather app advertising toilet sanitizer? 🙂
Give a lecture at Mobile Trends for Business. What your speech will be about?
The topic of my lecture was „Cost reductionóIn mobile applications through the use of hybrid technologies”. I have spoken at all editions of the Mobile Trends conference so far as a developer – this time I would like to zwróction on business issues.
I will talk about the use of hybrid applications, but in relation to market casesóin the use of. ZaróAfter all, in business as in engineering, it’s not about choosing the best solution, but a sufficient one – wówe maximize profits in time. And although the above formulation from the developer’s point of view sounds terrible, it is important to remember that business and development must live in symbiosis.
There will also be money: the basic amount for preparing and releasing a hybrid application for one system and the costs associated with adding more platforms. The release of an application is only the beginning of its life – every solution deserves to be developedój. So how to maintain hybrid application code and how much does it cost?

About this and many other tidbits straight from the developer’s kitchen – you will learn at MobileTrends Conference for Business 2022. I cordially invite you!