Google will warn you about a malfunctioning mobile site.

Google will warn you of a malfunctioning mobile site

Probably it has happened to each of us at least once to look for something on a smartphone, then enter a given Google search result and, not knowing why, land on the home page instead of the subpage we expected. The most common reason for this is that the site erroneously redirects the user always to the home page of the mobile version of the site, despite the fact that their selection is for a selected subpage that was displayed in the search results. However, Google will try to help at least partially solve this problem.

What’s at stake?


The error involves a misdirected user visiting the site on a mobile device. In the search results, we come across a subpage of the site, where we find the information we are interested in. However, clicking on a link does not redirect you to the mobile version of a particular subpage, but to the mobile version of the home page. However, this kind of redirection, although the easiest to install on the site, will now be „blunted” by Google search engine.

In the case of a misconfigured page, when we enter a particular subpage, unfortunately, it will not appear to us, but we have to search for it from the home page. In the graphic below you can see what is a good (green) redirect and what is a wrong (red) redirect.

Google reaches out to frustrated mobile users. It won’t be easy or an immediate solution, but it may help solve this annoying problem. Google proposes two ways of doing things, one targeting the audience and the other targeting the site owners.

Help the recipients

In terms of helping users, Google offers the following solution: if Google detects that you are using a phone, and a particular search results page has a habit of misdirecting mobile users to the main mobile page, you will be notified via a corresponding message on the search results page. To access such a site, the user will have to approve the action by clicking on the appropriate link. It is not a complete solution to the problem, but the user will at least save his time and nerves.

Make owners aware

Google will also help the site owners themselves get rid of the unwanted problem. Recommends 3 steps to check the functioning of the site, which ultimately is to help make site owners aware and solve the problem. Here they are: